пятница, 25 декабря 2009 г.


The other misspelling of Darvocet differs from the right name in only one letter. And this letter is "a" which changes the drug's name into Darvacet. The point is perhaps in difficulties people experience while trying to write the name by ear, as it is may not be easy to make out the vowel in the middle. And again, it is no problem until it comes to buying the medication. Be careful not to get a fake product which name is written in a slightly different way. The word Darvacet is different from Darvocet in a single letter, but a faked medication called Darvacet can differ from genuine Darvocet drastically.

пятница, 18 декабря 2009 г.

Darvocet-N 100 or Darvocet N-100?

In fact, does it really matter? In both cases a mixture of acetaminophen 650 mg and propoxyphene napsylate 100 mg is meant. Just to be more precise, let us determine that the letter 'N' in the drug's name corresponds to napsylate salt of propoxyphene in Darvocet, which is different from the formulation with hydrochloride salt of propoxyphene. As a result, we get a special formula of Darvocet-N, a drug with special features and effects different from "common" Darvocet. The number '100' corresponds to 100 mg of propoxyphene napsylate, but the letter 'N' seems to be of more importance in this case. This 'N' turns ''regular'' Darvocet into ''special'' Darvocet-N. So, let us spell the drug's name in the right way: Darvocet-N 100.

вторник, 1 декабря 2009 г.


They say, English spelling is very difficult. Perhaps they are right. There are languages that let you write as you hear. Or almost as you hear. E.g. in Italian nearly every letter corresponds with its own sound. Little variations do not make lives of the Italians more complicated. In English there are sounds that require different letters in different words. And there may be found letters that sound differently in different positions, too. "A" and "e" may sound the same. Probably because of this some people write the name of Diazepam changing the "a" in the middle of it for "e" which sounds the same for them. As a result, we have one more misspelling of Diazepam medication - Diazapam.